What should parents do when they find that teen or preteen pornography sites nnline have seen on the internet? And what does it mean?
Based on an online survey of victims conducted by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, only a small proportion of children seeking pornography on purpose, and most of the right answer quickly leave the site, although some reports the incident to parents. Exposure to sexually explicit content online can happen very easily via a Google search using the word wrong direction is not guilty as "toys," misspelled word or URL, website misleading or email, or link or the photo sent by a colleague or through spam.
When evaluating what it means that your child see sexually explicit material, before reacting or draw conclusions, the first step is to assess the situation to find out what really happened and whether there is a problem. Is this an ongoing problem? How many times has this happened? Does this seem to be a habit? Are there any other changes in behavior, mood or sleep? Does your child isolates himself?
Find out how your child have found those sites. Does anyone else in the home often suffer from sexual addiction sites or hidden? When others in the house with access to a computer-have hidden sex addiction, children are exposed to such materials with or without the knowledge of parents, giving children more opportunities and temptations to explore websites such as themselves.
Does the child site will and what he saw? For example, look up the meaning and effect of the word "sex" in "ehow.com" (a website which is the encyclopedia "" kind of way to do something) different from watching a porn video online. Children can look for, or view, the first sites out of curiosity after stumbled upon them - or to find out about sex. When the motivation of curiosity, the diagnosis can only be "teen" or "a teenager", the impact of the benign, and the prognosis is good.
However, viewing pornography, especially in a way that is sustainable, can have potentially adverse effects on children, and perhaps encouraged or perpetuated by the loneliness, isolation and coercion.
What are the potential negative effects of viewing pornography online?
In the absence of any context, and without having to learn about healthy sexuality known, the child may have an idea of sex as a confusing and take pictures which they see as a model representing the behavior of adults. They were thus introduced to sex before they are ready through the pictures they do not understand, which often involve sexual deviations, and sex regardless of relationship or meaning, responsibility, and intimacy.
The children most at risk when they are repeatedly exposed to images that overstimulating and potentially addictive. If viewed compulsive disorder and is accompanied by sexual release through masturbation, Internet pornography can have a desensitizing effect, require greater intensity and frequency as well as causing deviant sexuality seem like the norm.
addicted to porn sites function in a manner similar to any other addiction, which leads to a cycle of preoccupation, compulsion, acting out, isolation, self-absorption, shame and depression as well as views that deviate from real relationships and intimacy. However, not everyone exposed to pornography becomes addicted.
Teenagers are most prone to addiction are those who can not rely on parents to provide a consistent source of contact and comfort to help them manage their emotional state. family include, but are not limited to, which parents can suffer from addictions - including alcohol - or fail to be emotionally available for other reasons. Children from families who are vulnerable - they are often not low self-esteem and feeling alone. They learn not to trust or rely on others and find ways to entertain and stimulate themselves that do not involve people who are reliable and available to them and be within their control.
Other teenagers are exposed to online dangers of unwanted sexual solicitation. Teenagers are the most vulnerable of all age groups such unwanted sexual. One in 7 adolescents reported to have experienced an unwanted provocation - most of which involved an invitation to meet offline, ask teens to talk about sex or sexual questions, or ask teens to sexually explicit photos.
A related danger to teens online involves "sexting" - sending sexually explicit photos via cell phones usually or sometimes via the Internet. Sexting is most often engaged in by a teenager with his friends and usually involve peer pressure. Sexting often create expectations "hooking up" (sex) on the receiver, and increase the pressure to have sex, and the possibility it happened, during the next meeting. Sexting risk in this way and, also, because it often leads to unexpected disasters that reputation may be irreparable. This often begins with a photograph that was sent to a potential girlfriend or boyfriend, who then - unbeknownst to the sender - who passed around and forwarded to the recipient and friends' contacts, "such as chain letters spread out of control. In addition, these photographs could appear again at a later date and used for blackmail or to wreak havoc on one's career.
How to protect adolescents from the dangers of pornography sites are aware of what happened to them, and in your family, and make it safe for them to speak with you. Knowing that your child has viewed Internet pornography is not cause for panic. Most children and adolescents do not suffer from sex addiction. And when they do, this problem is usually the problems of other secondary or hidden secrets in the family that affect them, which should be the focus of treatment along with the teen's symptoms.
To protect adolescents from the dangers of pornography sites, the key is to become their ally and help them work with you in the wish to secure. If you are not on the same side, your teenager will find a way to outsmart or work around even the best technology and carefully thought out rules. Remember - the relationship you have with your child and the perception of you as trustworthy and reasonable is the most protective factor against all the dangers faced by teenagers today.
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