GEDONGTATAAN (Lampost): District Secretary (Sekkab) Pesawaran Ruslan officially opened the Regional Cultural Festival in the Museum District Pesawaran Transmigration, Thursday (5-8). In his speech, he said the local cultural festival performances such as cultural preservation and development regions of Lampung.
The festival is also an activity to develop a love and pride of the community, especially the younger generation, the culture of the area of Lampung. Related to that, it hoped the participants did not make the ceremony just a cultural festival, but also to touch the essence. "We know that the existence of local culture is and will always experience the dynamics caused by changes in social situations," he said.
Activities cultural festival of this region, he said, is one form of the government's seriousness in developing the regional culture in the District Pesawaran Lampung.
Still according to Ruslan, Lampung area of cultural development will not succeed if there is no full support of the community. Therefore, he invited residents Pesawaran District to jointly support regional cultural development programs Lampung.
Penyelanggara Committee is requested to do so every time you hold a groundbreaking ceremony, does not seem monotonous. "I'm muster the ability as much as possible. Do not be afraid to be creative and expression," he said. As known, a very heterogeneous society Lampung peaceful coexistence.
Intermingling of cultures, languages, and customs are very likely to occur in the process of community interaction. The implication, there is a process of cultural assimilation that allow one culture tersisipi naturally by elements of other cultures.
In addition, he continued, the globalization process that eliminates geographic boundaries in the exchange of information also affects behavior and social systems in public life.
Consequently, the erosion of local cultural identity is slowly going along with the attitude of a very open society with a variety of other cultural influences. (MG7 / D-1)
Sunday, 6 March 2011
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