No morning is not bright for Suwarti. The morning is the sun of his life. The wind is wet and cold, cloudy, fog and even rain, never an obstacle for him to meet in the morning and the sun of his life. Every morning, never pass from 6:30, when many housewives still getting ready to pack off their children to school, when people are going to the office may still not set up his clothes, Suwarti already circulating on the streets of housing complexes Our in Ciputat. His voice is loud but with a low tone we know already familiar. "Cake .. cake ... Cake sir? Cake Mom? "The voice was accompanied by his footsteps reverberating fast and sound like a drag sometimes sandals. Holding pastry wares, he walked along the housing that contains hundreds of homes. Her voice still sounds continue even from a distance.
The first time I was interested in Suwarti is because women are still so young, 30 years old, but he actually faced the Javanese past. Carrying wares with such fashion-mbok mbok herbs, with a nimble step, and, yes, he is always present in the measurement of time that never miss. Could not help me menyetopnya once upon a time, after he was hawking wares. And, he was with the courtesy of a mother who did not want to put a suspect to any person, serve my questions.
Suwarti was a woman born in Solo. The mother of two children, aged 10 years and six years, she for me is a portrait of Indonesian women that should make us always be proud to be an Indonesian. The last three years she lived her life by selling cakes at our housing in Villa Dago Tol, by foot. By taking 150 pieces of cake from juragannya who live in other parts of the region Ciputat, he pocketed the profit Rp25 thousand per day. From the home he left at dawn, to pursue a full morning's good fortune in our housing. When it was shown at 10, he is usually finish `journey 'as a peddler cake that day. At 11, he had arrived at the house rented for $ 200 thousand per month, to return as housewives. Her husband was a construction worker who diligently, but do not always have projects that require strength. With a combination of such professions, she and her husband can send their two children, one in fourth grade one in first class. The two children were left at the village-in-law, Purwodadi. Every month they send money to her children's school fees were.
Suwarti longtime housekeeper. Marriage with her husband, who she knew in Jakarta, making it a long time to finish just think his work as domestic workers, which he termed `go people. 'Having been trying to sell all kinds of goods, he finally found the skipper of cake for him to give hope . From juragannya that he took the cake every morning and then sell it at a price that he set himself. Every day he put up to juragannya 50 thousand. The remaining cake can he return. And this, for Suwarti is a system that he really liked. Increasingly large profits he obtained. The last three years he felt as a year full of growth, cause he always looked the morning as a morning full of hope.
Did not complete primary school, the youngest of four brothers, in 1995 Suwarti leaving his parents in his hometown who live as small farmers. Like most stories of marginal people, he at that time had no choice but to become domestic workers to be able to survive in Jakarta. The city is for Suwarti is a hard town, but the city that always gives hope. Life as a marginalized people who are not spent with anger and revenge to life. He was, as I can see from how he worked, spent his days with a persistence that enjoys what she could enjoy. Thankful for his health that led to his seemingly never tired in the heat of Jakarta. And, he never felt he needed to win because he never thought there he had conquered.
As more traders bread motorhome even a car, he did not feel would be eliminated wares. Precisely on foot, he can knock on door after door, can talk and exchange pleasantries with each home. He does not like bread traders who drive cars, which sometimes sounded haughty greeting through the horn or the songs from cassette tape that boring. "Bu .. Bu cake? "Is a typical greeting. Then quickly he will reveal his wares from his arms. Fried tofu and tempeh, onde-onde, Lepat bananas, rice cake, croquettes, fried rolls, layer cake, scattered stay selected. Although even he knows, not all houses will be ready to menyetopnya and buy merchandise, his smile is always expanding. "Everyone there is sustenance Pak. Thank God, for three years, I feel more and more customers. Increasingly fine people to me. Thank God, no one got angry. There was no dog chasing me, "he said.
Morning for Suwarti is hope. No matter how bad the weather, as heavy as anything the way he should go, he was always sure that there is provision in the morning. Will he developed umbrella when it rains too early. When I suspect that the rain is disastrous for him because it would hamper his journey, he had to walk let alone play our complex, he even smiled. "Precisely when it rains Pak, lazy people out looking for breakfast. Sell my cakes even more if it rains, "he said. An answer to me full of optimism and hope.
The real classic question asked when they no longer need to get acquainted with people like Suwarti is for what and why he worked hard. Of course people like him have to drudge. To eat, drink himself. To connect his son a son. But anyway, I have to ask it, to explore who knows nothing more to make himself has remarkable energy. And, it turns out there is.
Two children, all raised by family in-law with the cost of her husband and herself, is energy that never runs out. He always imagined that one day their children get good education. He wanted them to someday be able to enjoy life more than you enjoy now. Wherever and as high as anything, he wanted to support their children, as long as it means taking a good education and higher. "I depend on them entirely. If they do well in school, they learn it well, I'll try. There are no words to stop for me, sir, "he said. His smile was uncertain.
Would have been hard for Suwarti dig the energy. The children were living in distant places, who may only meet once a year he was when Eid arrives. But the more he thought, the greater the power he felt he could use. He paid his longing to his children is to work more enthusiastically. Greet the children in our complex as he greeted his own son. Selling cakes to people with beliefs the cookies will be a source of energy is also for people who work for their children.
Monday, 7 March 2011
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