Who would have thought, even small children can be a puppeteer puppet. This is evident from the inauguration ceremony Perdalangan Association of Indonesia (Perpadi) DKI Jakarta Province in Central Java Pavilion, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). Child and adolescent puppeteer puppeteer demonstrates the skill to bring Javanese shadow play for six hours in turn.
"There are 20 mastermind. Dalang child 18, age below 14 years. Dalang have 2 teenagers. The entrance mastermind behind the teen's age 15-23 years," said PR Perpadi DKI Jakarta Province, Toto Sumarwoto, Sunday (03/06/2011) .
He said the puppet masters and young child that is familiar stage at various events in Jakarta, Solo, and even outside of Java. In Jakarta, for their performances in TMII and Puppet Museum. "Although a young age, but they're professionals," he said proudly.
Toto is one of the teacher training pendalangan at Children's Palace, TMII. Most of the puppet masters who stage when it was an ordinary students who study at Children's Palace. They are generally incorporated in Pepadi East Jakarta.
Participants smallest, according to Toto, is Dryas that he was only 4 years. In 2010, he broke the record as the mastermind smallest Muri. "This little puppeteer Dalang-all born in Jakarta and raised in Jakarta. In fact there whose families do not bleed Java," said Toto.
He added that the puppet is also a tourist attraction and as a means of tourism promotion. "Therefore, we have English language programs. We teach the children mendalang use English," he added.
The mastermind of this child and adolescent stage was already several times in English in some events. According to Toto, the puppet masters have been used to watch the foreign tourists to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. "This is for regeneration. We're not afraid anymore mastermind will be exhausted, because it still exists, continue to be sustainable," said Toto.
Some spectators who attended the special intentionally come to watch the action mastermind 'minds. As a mother who came with his family, he was deliberately all the way from Depok because miss want to watch wayang kulit.
sumber: http://www.kompas.com/
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